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Writer's pictureMaitreyi Singh

Weekly Health Highlights

Written by Maitreyi Singh

Edited by Olivia Ronnemaa


This week’s topic: Non-Communicable Diseases

“Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable” (Bill Gates), treatments without prevention are indeed unsustainable, but how many people are aware of that? And do they even know what non-communicable diseases are? Oh, and do they know or consider what precautions you need to take if you have them? Read more, to find out what non-communicable diseases are, some examples, precautions, and side-effects.

Non-Communicable Diseases: In short, Non-Communicable Diseases are diseases that are not contagious. However, they are chronic, risky, and stay for a long period of time. There are various reasons which lead to Non-Communicable Diseases, such as Genetics, Lifestyle, Environment, and mental and social well-being but the miraculous cures and wonders of the treatments, very few.

Some Dangerous Non-Communicable Diseases are:

  • Heart disease and stroke.

  • Cancer.

  • Diabetes.

  • Lung diseases.

  • Liver diseases and cirrhosis (hepatocellular carcinoma)

  • Ischemic Coronary Heart Diseases.

Main Causes & Precautions:

  • Physical inactivity: Exercising and maintaining your physical health is so important, as it not only strengthens your bones, improves your cardio, strengthens your muscles but it also helps with stress by releasing your endorphins. If you have any heart disease, diabetes, asthma, back or joint pain, it is recommended for you to exercise. However, ask your doctor first if there might be some specific types of exercises you will need to perform.

  • Unhealthy diets: Unsaturated fats are extremely harmful to your body and can increase your bad cholesterol. This can further damage your body, as it will lead to many heart diseases and blockage of veins. This is because, when you have high bad cholesterol, there tend to be lipids around your arteries that block the blood passing to your heart.

  • Smoking & Drinking: Many of us know that smoking and drinking is injurious to health, but do we really follow it? Doesn’t seem so, because currently, 1 billion people smoke (i.e 20% of the world), which leads to 8 million people dying unnecessarily due to smoking. Smoking is nothing less than suicide. Save others and yourself. Please don’t smoke or drink, and use alternatives such as Nicotex which helps you stop the habit of smoking. However, ask a doctor how long you can use Nicotex before taking.

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